Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Kadiyomali…..I don’t know whether one knows about the story behind this blog name… well let me share this. Since it would help us to lead to a discussion which I think is good to initiate or start of this blog….

Kadiyomali = ‘kadiyo’ + ‘mali

‘Kadiyo’is gujarati word meaning mason

Mali’ meaning gardener

My parents always wanted me to a doctor (I still wonder why), which I never wanted to be. But somehow after all dhishum dhism with them I could mange to land into architecture…. My mom was quite upset and with disappointed heart told me ‘to tu kadiyo banvani che?!!!’ meaning ‘so you gonno be a mason??!!!!’

Ah!! I felt too bad about it… but after years I still remember this comment of hers. As I gradually learned and understand that masonry or work of mason is most basic thing for application of all thoughts of work of architecture….

Rather I would say if we can build wall ourselves then we can build anything.

After 6 years story repeats as I landed in to landscape architecture which my parents were completely unaware or rather I must say till now they don’t know exactly what job does a landscape architects do??? And this time it was me who explain in simply manner that is work of ‘mali’ that we are suppose to do. :)

So this story was trying to put across that how we can be simplify or generate basic common sense into architecture as well as landscape to communicate to general mass.

If we talk about Landscape what job we are suppose to play…

Well I know these discussions have always been heard many many times... … Also during our academic days it would how we tend to take this role of landscape architect in future. But unfortunately that exercise lead to ‘EVOLUTION OF LANDSCAPE THEORY’ but I still feel that most primary question of our role as landscape architect is still unanswered.......

Today after a year of ongoing experience with various kinds of project I still question myself what role do I play as landscape architect or landscape designer?

P.S.: Please don’t blame me or ask me that what the hell have you learned from Prof .Bhagwat in two years huh???!!!! Well I did learn many things from him and I feel very lucky enough that I have studied under him….


  1. i appreciate the effort hemali
    am ready to run
    so pik a topic on wat w start discussin abt
    ofcourse my alltime fav topic wud be to take deep jump in2 the way lscape is being taught in Under grads and the way it happens in postgrads too
    wat say???

  2. thanks vijay for joining .. but I think the question / topic is already put forward so you can start commenting on it.... lets see how far we can dicuss 'BASICS' in landscape :)


    HMM... 1 blog entry ; 2 comments and 2 google comments later : no real meat in sight.....

    may i make the following suggestion? :-

    mali's brief and interesting biography notwitstanding, it would be a good idea if hemali kick-started this topic by sharing some more of HER views on "the BASICS"

    since you have already introduced the topic,hemali either needs to put her cards on the table OR provide a more articulate/easy platform for engagement and discussion

    offhand- i can think of a couple of ways of this being done (all requiring the host's proactive action)

    opening statements (the classic method) : a brief point-of-view or personal synopsis from hemali might serve as a spark / starter or just direction giver for the rest of the discussion, (so that others may contribute as a response to some of the points you are making.)

    questionnaire: creating a easy /fun /questionnaire for all the members to answer. ( questions like "what are your favorite design theories?" or "what according to you are the basic tools of land design?" - followed by 4 options)

    this works better than a difficult question on "the basics" - in the end, it becomes a cool tool o compare trends / and attitudes across different people. the conclusion itself becomes a good discussion

    position statements:: i think the questions on basics is so deep and sort of complex (at least for me ) that it might make sense to start this discussion on a simpler level.: hemali should ask everyone to make a very specific contribution to the blog (like the position statement submitted to CEPT while applying to college programme and a current response to that (if its changed) then everyone who participated must make a response/comment / question everyone else's position paper.

    what we will have then , is a multi-layered debate where each member will either defend and discuss his position on what his idea of landscape is.... (and if we are lucky something good might come out of it---)

    multiple topics:: lastly, i feel that vijendranath's suggestion regarding education is quite potent, and should also be pursued as a parallel topic. i'm not sure if linear handling of discussions will be healthy in the long run.

    ps: sorry for the long mail.... :)

  4. That’s very commendable points made by arjun, I am sure it would help us in further discussions. Although I don’t know how can I put / follow myself within the format or suggestions made by arjun right now.....

    But let me make topic more specific ‘BASICS FOR LANDSCAPE DESIGNING’, where ques like

    • Which are the first aspects one thinks that are unavoidable or necessary for any project?
    • Which primary factor that dominates the landscape project?
    • Which of the examples in world that one can think, where basics/ fundamentals in landscape are answered?
    • What are ecological fundamentals for designing ecosystems?
    • …………….
    • ……………..
    • ……….. many more one can add

    Topic leads me to think of already known perspectives or clear cut approaches,
    one perspective is environmental or ecological & Second perspective is pure design which is rooted from our architectural learning
    Talking about environmental or ecological approaches’ basics’ are
    1. Birds of sound is must
    2. Creepers are allowed to grow up to unimaginable heights
    3. Snails, insects, mouse.....Are supposed to have their shelters in the barks…
    4. Trees can combine Tree litter and flowers merges
    5. ………
    6. …………..
    7. …… many more to add up by the rest

    This ultimately dominates as feature for the landscape project, where major focus may be or may not be pure ecological generation or nature conservation

    Examples that I can think of is Restoration of basalt quarry at timba by Prof. Bhagwat, ongoing project of Elephant Park by Mr. Mohan Rao….
    Talking of pure design principles or basics then it can be
    1. Visibility
    2. Innovative
    3. Spatial organization
    4. Geometric correctness
    5. Flowering combinations
    6. Textures
    7. Sensitivity towards all the senses
    8. Lighting
    9. Resistance to undisturbed natural elements
    10. ………………………………..
    11. …. Many more one to add up by rest
    Where focus is on design innovation …  most of the contemporary landscape projects strives for above

  5. hmmm.... now you got me thinking... is there a difference between intent and technique?.. and if so how important are their respective roles.
    for eg:
    in our above list where does ......
    1) fun,
    2) message/ communicate
    3) symbolism / deeper meaning
    4) artistic statement,
    5) shock / surprise/ excitement,
    6) serenity,
    7) showing off,
    8) exploration etcetc...
    figure into the basics of landscape design? do they come before? or after ? or just somewhere in the middle when one is bored?

    btw did not understand two points :
    geometric correctness???
    and what does Resistance to undisturbed natural elements mean??


  6. btw hemali, i have to hand it to you!!

    only you could have drawn such a following so quickly.

    the contagious effect of ur enthusiasm has always amazed me,,,

    (now get off ur butt and start writing on a daily basis!!!!)


  7. JUN@ thanks... I was about to reply your interesting questions but was thinking about it….. Also I m glad that you notice these two words as I wrote it deliberately in order to elaborate it more about it …

    My comments to first ques: INTENT & TECHNIQUE
    Intentions can be your concerns or it might turn out to be concept. For eg. If one is designing some memorial park one’s idea might be to create something symbolic but it might not be one’s intentions. Intentions can be fear, fun... Calmness... Silence… which arjun mentioned above, for which various techniques can be explored…
    NOTE :‘Technique'is not meant here literally.

    So I think intent and techniques (basics) go hand in hand …. I feel fun, message, communication, artistic statement….etc… might come out as ultimate byproduct.

    My comments to second ques:
    Hmmmm…. Well I would refer it as more of our basic exercises that we did in our first year undergrad days where we were taught about compositions… as far as I remember all compositions had sort of balance………rhythm……..Focus……radial……centric…..non-centric……Chaotic…..linear…..intersections…….. etc..Etc….
    So point that I am making is when we use basic forms of geometry like circles , Squares, all sort of Lines (skew lines, straight lines , ..) or curves… we tend to make the entire ‘composition’ ( I am referring w.r.t to site ) something which had above values or character of total spatial experience …. But it’s not at all about ‘GRAPHICS DESIGNING ‘but the totality of experience
    That’s what I believe about Geometric Correctness …

    This is I think most important aspect to contribute to our profession as landscape designer.
    Resistance to undisturb the natural systems or I can say bare minimum intervention that one can do at sites where natural resources are of prime importance. I just came across one example which I feel perfectly demonstrates this idea where designer is conscious about creating ecological health and did bare minimum intervention.
    Here is link
    I feel this is what landscape architects should be conscious of.
    We cannot always conserve but we can always resist.:)

  8. hm... topic khatam ho gaya kya?
